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(ÁÖ)À¯Á¸»ó»ç´Â ÇöÀç W.R. Grace DavisionÀÇ Çѱ¹´ë¸®Á¡À¸·Î½á ¿¡ 2006³âºÎÅÍ ÇöÀç±îÁö Ư¼öÃ˸Š°ø±ÞÀ» ¾Ë¼±ÇÏ°í ÀÖÀ¸¸ç, 2002³â-2003³â±îÁö LG Caltex(Çö Caltex Corp. )¿¡ Ư¼öÃ˸Š¹× 2005³â-2006³â ÷°¡Á¦(additive)¸¦ °ø±ÞÇÑ ¹Ù ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.

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YooJon introduced an indispensable ingredient, a catalyst, required to extract the maximum amount of gasoline from the crude oil to Korean refineries by sourcing the catalyst from W.R.Grace Davison (http://www.grace.com, USA). These refinery companies are able to improve profit from their RFCCU(Residue Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit). We proud ourselves in helping the environmental causes by increasing the productivity of refinery process.

Oil refining is a highly specialized discipline, and refinery catalysts must be tailored to meet variations in crude oil and a refinery's product mix. We(W.R.Grace Davision) work closely with customers to help them find the most appropriate catalyst formulations for their particular needs.

Refinery feedstocks vary in quality from sweet to heavy crude oil. Sweet crude feedstocks are more expensive than heavy crude and have a greater proportion of high value petroleum products and a lower proportion of resid, which is generally the lowest value feedstock contained in crude oil. Although feedstocks with high resid content are less expensive than higher quality feedstocks, the processing of high resid feedstocks is more difficult due to their relatively high metal contamination and higher boiling points. Due to the rising prices of petroleum products, refiners have increased their efforts to maximize the yield from resid feedstocks. We(Grace) have designed our product portfolio to help our customers increase the efficiency and yield of resid refining.

Our products also enable refiners to reduce emissions from their FCC units and reduce sulfur content in gasoline and diesel fuel. Our products can deliver 35-50% reduction in sulfur oxides emissions from a commercial FCC unit, and can generally achieve a reduction in nitrogen oxides emissions comparable to that obtained from other, capital-intensive alternatives available to a refinery.

¢ßÀ¯Á¸»ó»ç 611-612 East BD, 322 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-918
TEL: +82 2 2183-2797~8 // FAX: +82 2 2183-2799
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