On behalf of everyone at YooJon International Co., Ltd, I would like to welcome you to our website. YooJon was established on September 1979 and was formally incorporated as a stock company on October 1984. Since then, it has been my pleasure to meet the highest expectations of our clients and deliver satisfaction in the following lines of services offered by YooJon:

1. YooJon is the first to introduce bunkering business in Korea, and continues to be the unparalleled pioneer in the bunkering business in Korea. We arrange bunkers (fueling for commercial vessels) for foreign flagged vessels calling any Korean ports. YooJon has been a representative of Caltex Corp.(ex LG Caltex) for bunker supply in Korea for over 32 years.

2. YooJon introduced an indispensable ingredient, a catalyst, required to extract the maximum amount of gasoline from the crude oil to Korean refineries by sourcing the catalyst from W.R.Grace Davison (http://www.grace.com, USA). These refinery companies are able to improve profit from their RFCCU(Residue Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit). We proud ourselves in helping the environmental causes by increasing the productivity of refinery process.

3, YooJon imports and sells various safety equipments for ships to approach and depart from ports. Berthing Aid System, Quick Release Hooks, and Environment Monitoring System are example of these equipments that guide vessels into jetty safely and thus ensure safety of ports around Korea.

4. We are certified (registered with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on November 3, 2009) immigration agency in Korea, and we are proud to be the sole agent in Korea for one of the most promising EB-5 programs (Employment Based Immigrant Visa category 5) available to date: redevelopment project for East downtown, Houston, Texas.

At YooJon, client satisfaction will continue to be our top priority and our mission.
Thank you,
Your sincerely,
Young Joo Jun,

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¢ßÀ¯Á¸»ó»ç 611-612 East BD, 322 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-918
TEL: +82 2 2183-2797~8 // FAX: +82 2 2183-2799
Copyright 1980-2013 YOOJON INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD. All rights reserved.